We are very happy and proud to announce our first deck released in collaboration with Beyond Words Publishing: Sacred Geometry Activations by LON. Try it now for free in our Indie Goes Oracle Cards app.
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About the deck: Plato referred to sacred geometry as the language of the soul. For thousands of years, sacred geometry has been a part of every culture. It is the bond that connects us all to the cosmos; it is the true design of our soul. Sacred geometry is the blueprint of creation at the core of all form even at the core of you.
Quantum artist LON has created 44 Activations that encourage your analytical mind to step aside so you can enter the domain of the subconscious and the soul, and connect to the quantum field the space of infinite potential. Working with these cards on a daily basis will help you to think outside the box, create a deeper sense of peace in your life, and become a powerful conscious creator.
About the author: LON was born and raised in Holland, where she attended art school and worked in the advertising and graphic-arts industry. In the early 1990s, she discovered crop circles and instantly fell in love with their complex designs. It took over two decades for her to fully merge her (intrinsic) understanding and knowledge of sacred geometry and crop circles with her creative abilities; to not only build her life and reality around this union but to also make it her life s work to shift the collective consciousness, to question and shift existing paradigms, and to support the rebirth of the language of the soul.
LON now creates sacred geometry art images that are visual meditation tools, or Activations, that help people to navigate these changing times and activate thinking outside the box so that people can make real changes in their lives. Her Activations have been called living art, as they appear to be alive with energy, evoking powerful emotions and inspiring new thoughts.
LON lives in San Diego, California, and offers lectures and workshops, individual sessions, and intuitive counseling to support a new way of thinking and activate people toward becoming fully multidimensional human beings. She also creates personal Soul Activations based on an individual’ s unique energy, helping them to step into the highest expression of themselves. https://lon-art.com
Jun 2 2020
Sacred Geometry Activations deck released!
We are very happy and proud to announce our first deck released in collaboration with Beyond Words Publishing: Sacred Geometry Activations by LON. Try it now for free in our Indie Goes Oracle Cards app.
(if you already have the app, please update it to be able to access this new content)
About the deck: Plato referred to sacred geometry as the language of the soul. For thousands of years, sacred geometry has been a part of every culture. It is the bond that connects us all to the cosmos; it is the true design of our soul. Sacred geometry is the blueprint of creation at the core of all form even at the core of you.
Quantum artist LON has created 44 Activations that encourage your analytical mind to step aside so you can enter the domain of the subconscious and the soul, and connect to the quantum field the space of infinite potential. Working with these cards on a daily basis will help you to think outside the box, create a deeper sense of peace in your life, and become a powerful conscious creator.
About the author: LON was born and raised in Holland, where she attended art school and worked in the advertising and graphic-arts industry. In the early 1990s, she discovered crop circles and instantly fell in love with their complex designs. It took over two decades for her to fully merge her (intrinsic) understanding and knowledge of sacred geometry and crop circles with her creative abilities; to not only build her life and reality around this union but to also make it her life s work to shift the collective consciousness, to question and shift existing paradigms, and to support the rebirth of the language of the soul.
LON now creates sacred geometry art images that are visual meditation tools, or Activations, that help people to navigate these changing times and activate thinking outside the box so that people can make real changes in their lives. Her Activations have been called living art, as they appear to be alive with energy, evoking powerful emotions and inspiring new thoughts.
LON lives in San Diego, California, and offers lectures and workshops, individual sessions, and intuitive counseling to support a new way of thinking and activate people toward becoming fully multidimensional human beings. She also creates personal Soul Activations based on an individual’ s unique energy, helping them to step into the highest expression of themselves. https://lon-art.com