Our app got featured on App Of The Day

We are happy to announce that our app “Indie Goes Oracle Cards” was picked today by the App Of The Day site! Every day they publish one great app and help 750,000 users discover new apps to add to their mobile device.

They also interviewed us about the development of the app. Read the full interview here: https://appoftheday.downloadastro.com/app/indie-goes-oracle-cards-collection/


Frédéric Calendini is a French author and entrepreneur. As a former IT manager, he founded Indie Goes Software, an initiative to bring together authors from around the world, to share their positive energy and wisdom through a rich collection of spirituality-based mobile applications (www.indie-goes.com). He is also the creator of the “Spirit Animal Oracle Cards” deck, and author of the book “Free as a Wolf – A quest for happiness through shamanism”. (www.fredericcalendini.com)

What was the most challenging aspect of developing mobile app?

We did our best to create an app that would work flawlessly on all main platforms (iOS, Android and Amazon), while using the same code base, and with expandability in mind. We also wanted to create inspiring and helpful products for people, that’s why our motto is “Software with a soul”. So for us, the quality and ease of use of our content is as important as a smooth technical experience.

What need of the user did you have in mind when developing this app?

We all see that times are changing, and that people need access to more profound and meaningful products in order to connect to a deeper part of themselves. By getting access to beautiful and enlightening material, everybody will then be able to receive the proper inspiration and follow their own guidance. There are so many authors who have beautiful things to share, and our joy would be to help them reach a wider audience through quality and fun projects. We strongly believe that technology and spirituality are not incompatible. That’s why we created all our apps, which include many oracle cards and guided meditations.

In what way do you think your app is better than similar apps on the market? Please describe in detail what innovation you think you bring and what you are proud of in your app.

Our app is actually pretty unique, as it is a collection of oracle decks and positive affirmations that can’t be found anywhere else. We also try to work with authors who have interesting things to say, and have an original and independent mindset (hence the “Indie Goes” pun in our name). We are very proud of every deck we publish, and the overwhelmingly positive feedback we receive from our users. Our creations are really a work of love!

What are your future plans and expected features of the coming new versions of this app?

We will keep adding new decks to our collection. We are currently signing agreements with well-known oracle cards publishers to bring their catalog into our app. We trust that Indie Goes Oracle Cards will become the go-to app for all oracle cards lovers.

Assuming new users of your app are reading this page. What do you want to ask them to do (contact you about X, Share the app, etc.)?

Of course, we always greatly appreciate feedback about our products. If people want to make suggestions, they can contact us, and we’ll be happy to take them into consideration. Also, we are always very grateful when people take the time to leave positive reviews and spread the word about our apps. Our success really comes from the awesome support we receive from our community. Thank you!